Our Strasburg History

(It's a rich one)

You may not have realized it, but for  the past 70+ years,  this small dental office tucked away on Queen Street has been serving the citizens of Strasburg and the surrounding areas.

Dr. Alexander Walker Jordan with his wife, Frances

(4th and 5th from the left).

Local resident, Dr. Alexander Walker Jordan was practicing dentistry in Front Royal when he was called on to serve his country during the Korean conflict. Upon his return, he decided that he wanted to make the move from Front Royal to Strasburg.  In 1952,  Dr. Jordan proceeded to build the modest office that we now enjoy.  Many of his Front Royal clientele continued to see him, making the drive to the new location).  We love that some of our patients still make that same drive from Front Royal to see us today!  Some of our current patients were actually under the care of Dr. Jordan decades ago (and still remember him with fondness)! 

Mary Miller assisting in the front room

(late 1960's).

Mary was a staple of this practice for over 50 years!  During her time as an assistant here, she worked with Dr. Jordan, Dr. Gerometta (for over 40 years), and most recently, with Dr. Butterfield.  Not enough can be said about how great Mary was (and IS), both as an assistant, and as a friend to all.  She truly cared for her patients and knew them each individually.  They were all like family to her.  Mary's retirement in 2021 was bittersweet.  She misses the people and the work, but she loves where she is now in life.  Active as ever, you might see her drop in on a nice day during one of her walks!

Dr. Paul Gerometta

During his career, Paul Gerometta was never one to seek out attention (Just try and Google his name to find an image on the internet...one doesn't exist!). All he did was quietly provide top quality dentistry (and conversation) to those that came to him for dental work.  And he did it for nearly 5 decades (1970's through 2020)!  Ask any of those who were lucky enough to discover Dr G. tucked away here on Queen Street, and they will simply tell you that "he was the best". 

 If you sat in his dental chair at some point during his career,  Dr Gerometta loved to talk to you about two of his loves. Of course the conversation was a bit one-sided because you were getting your teeth worked on, but truth be told, you didn't mind as much because you could hear the excitement in his voice.  First, you were regaled with stories of the history of our area, particularly, from the Civil War. He knew his stuff, and frequently loved to metal detect and discover pieces of history.  Throughout your visit, Dr. G would definitely fit in a few golf stories as well.  One of his finest moments came as he watched his son, Mike, win the state golf championship back in 1998 with Sherando High.  Strangely enough, Dr. Gerometta's successor, Dr. Butterfield, played on the golf team as well during Sherando's inaugural 1994 season.  They were winless. 

Now retired, Dr. Gerometta has been fortunate enough to become a part of Sherando lore himself.  It would seem that there could not have been a better fit as the coach of this latest Warrior's golf team, than Dr. G himself.  They are young and inexperienced, but we cannot wait to see what's around the bend for this squad!